探索Griffith University — 您的澳洲留學之旅從這裡開始。
位於澳洲繁華城市的Griffith University,不僅擁有五個特色校區,還提供了廣泛的學習領域。從商業與政府、法律與犯罪學、到工程、IT與航空,再到醫學、牙醫和健康學科,無論您的興趣和職業目標為何,Griffith都能滿足您的需求。
作為一所年輕且充滿活力的大學,Griffith在2023年的Times Higher Education年輕大學排名中位列第46位,展現了其創新與適應時代變遷的能力。Griffith不僅在教學上屢獲殊榮,更是環境可持續發展的領導者,深受全球認可。
選擇Griffith University,您將體驗到澳洲頂尖的教育質量,同時享受一個充滿創新與機遇的學習環境。而我們將伴您每一步,實現您在澳洲留學的夢想。
MBA課程:特別值得一提的是,Griffith的MBA課程在全球可持續發展和價值驅動領導方面取得了傑出成就,連續多年在Corporate Knights Better World MBA排名中居全球首位,並被評為澳洲最佳線上MBA。
想要進入這麼一所令人嚮往的大學嗎?對於完成高二的學生,透過Griffith College的8個月基礎課程,您將有機會快速直接進入大學一年級!這是一個高效的途徑,讓您迅速銜接到大學課程(或者您可以選擇文憑課程)。
對於高三畢業生,Griffith College提供的8個月文憑課程(Diploma)是一個絕佳的選擇,可以無需預科直接銜接大學二年級。這些課程為您提供了一個平穩過渡到大學生活的橋樑,同時提升您對專業領域的認識和準備。
Griffith University教學內容涵蓋的領域有:文學、商學、教育、工程與資訊科技、健康、法律、音樂、自然與建築環境、理學、視覺與創造性藝術。課程分為五大類:學士學位課程、學士後學位課程、研究學位課程、進修教育課程、高階管理發展課程。
Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education(成人和職業教育學士)
Bachelor of Animation(動畫學士)
Bachelor of Animation with Honours(動畫榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Arts(文學士)
Bachelor of Arts(文學士)
Bachelor of Arts (Environment)(文學士(環境))
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Theatre(應用劇場文學士)
Bachelor of Arts in Education(藝術教育學士)
Bachelor of Arts in Education(藝術教育學士)
Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Linguistics(語言和語言學文學士)
Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Linguistics(語言和語言學文學士)
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Languages and Applied Linguistics(語言學及應用語言學榮譽文學士)
Bachelor of Asian Studies(亞洲研究學士)
Bachelor of Aviation(航空學學士)
Bachelor of Aviation Management(航空管理學士)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science(生物醫學學士)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science(生物醫學學士)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) Accelerated(加速生物醫學科學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours(生物醫學科學(榮譽)學士)
Bachelor of Biomolecular Science (Advanced)(分子科學學士(高級))
Bachelor of Biomolecular Science with Honours(分子科學榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Estate and Property, and Sport)(商學士(酒店,旅遊,事件,房地產和物業,和體育))
Bachelor of Business (Hotel, Tourism, Event, Real Estate and Property, and Sport)(商學士(酒店,旅遊,事件,房地產和物業,和體育))
Bachelor of Business Information Systems(商業資訊系統學士)
Bachelor of Business Information Systems(商業資訊系統學士)
Bachelor of Child and Family Studies(兒童與家庭學學士)
Bachelor of Child and Family Studies with Honours(兒童與家庭學榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Commerce(商學士)
Bachelor of Commerce(商學士)
Bachelor of Commerce(商學士)
Bachelor of Commerce (Professional)(商學士(專業))
Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(商務部榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Communication(通信學士)
Bachelor of Communication(通信學士)
Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art(當代澳大利亞土著藝術學士)
Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art with Honours(當代澳大利亞土著藝術榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Criminology & Criminal Justice(犯罪學與刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Criminology & Criminal Justice with Honours(犯罪和刑事司法榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice(犯罪和刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Design(設計學士)
Bachelor of Design Futures with Honours(設計期貨學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Design with Honours(設計榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Digital Media(數字媒體學士)
Bachelor of Digital Media with Honours(數字媒體榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Education - Primary(教育學士-小學)
Bachelor of Education - Primary(教育學士-小學)
Bachelor of Education - Primary(教育學士-小學)
Bachelor of Education - Secondary(教育學士-中學)
Bachelor of Education - Secondary(教育學士-中學)
Bachelor of Education - Special Education(教育學士-特殊教育)
Bachelor of Engineering(工學學士)
Bachelor of Engineering(工學學士)
Bachelor of Engineering Technology(工程技術學士)
Bachelor of Engineering Technology(工程技術學士)
Bachelor of Engineering with Advanced Studies(工學學士,高級研究)
Bachelor of Environmental Design(環境設計學士)
Bachelor of Environmental Health(環境健康學學士)
Bachelor of Environmental Health with Honours(環境健康學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Environmental Management(環境管理學士)
Bachelor of Exercise Science(運動科學學士)
Bachelor of Exercise Science (Pre Physiotherapy)(運動科學學士(預理療))
Bachelor of Exercise Science with Honours(運動科學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production(電影和螢幕媒體制作學士)
Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production with Honours(電影和螢幕媒體制作榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Fine Art(美術學士)
Bachelor of Fine Art with Honours(美術榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Forensic Science with Honours(法醫科學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Games Design(遊戲設計學士)
Bachelor of Games Design with Honours(遊戲設計榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Government and International Relations(Gold Coast)(政府及國際關係學士)
Bachelor of Government and International Relations(Nathan)(政府及國際關係學士)
Bachelor of Government and International Relations with Honours(政府與國際關係榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Health Science(健康科學學士)
Bachelor of Health Science with Honours(健康科學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Human Services(人力服務學士)
Bachelor of Human Services(人力服務學士)
Bachelor of Human Services with Honours(人力服務榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Industrial Design(工業設計學士)
Bachelor of Information Technology(資訊技術學士)
Bachelor of Information Technology(資訊技術學士)
Bachelor of Information Technology(資訊技術學士)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Advanced with Honours)(資訊技術學士(榮譽高級))
Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours(資訊技術學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours(資訊技術學士(榮譽))
Bachelor Degree 工科
Bachelor of International Business(國際商務學士)
Bachelor of International Business(國際商務學士)
Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management(國際旅遊與酒店管理學士)
Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management(1409)(國際旅遊與酒店管理學士)
Bachelor of Journalism(新聞學學士)
Bachelor of Journalism(新聞學學士)
Bachelor of Laws(法學士)
Bachelor of Laws(法學士)
Bachelor of Laws - Graduate Entry(法學士-研究生入學)
Bachelor of Laws - Graduate Entry(法學士-研究生入學)
Bachelor of Marine Science(海洋科學學士)
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science(醫療化驗科學學士)
Bachelor of Medical Science(醫學學士)
Bachelor of Medical Science(醫學學士)
Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours(醫學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery(醫學/外科學士)
Bachelor of Midwifery(助產學學士)
Bachelor of Midwifery with Honours(助產學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Multimedia(多媒體學士)
Bachelor of Multimedia(多媒體學士)
Bachelor of Multimedia with Honours(多媒體榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Multimedia with Honour(多媒體與榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Music(音樂學學士)
Bachelor of Music(音樂學學士)
Bachelor of Music Studies with Honours(音樂學(榮譽)學士)
Bachelor of Music Technology(音樂技術學士)
Bachelor of Music Technology with Honours(音樂科技與榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Music in Composition(作曲音樂學士)
Bachelor of Music in Performance(演奏音樂學士)
Bachelor of Music with Honours(音樂學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Musical Theatre(音樂劇學士)
Bachelor of Nursing(護理學學士)
Bachelor of Nursing(護理學學士)
Bachelor of Nursing(護理學學士)
Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Registration)(護理學學士(註冊後))
Bachelor of Nursing with Honours(護理學榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics(營養學學士)
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy(職業治療學士)
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy with Honours(職業治療(榮譽)學士)
Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science(口腔健康牙科學學士)
Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science with Honours(口腔健康牙科學榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Technolog(口腔衛生牙科技術學科學士)
Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Technology (Post-Registration)(口腔衛生牙科技術學士(註冊後))
Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Technology with Honours(口腔衛生牙科技術榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science(醫藥科學學士)
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science with Honours(醫藥科學榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Pharmacy(藥劑學學士)
Bachelor of Photography(攝影學士)
Bachelor of Photography with Honours(攝影榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Photonics & Nanoscience(光子學與納米科學學士)
Bachelor of Popular Music(流行音樂學士)
Bachelor of Popular Music(流行音樂)
Bachelor of Psychological Science(心理科學學士)
Bachelor of Psychological Science(心理科學學士)
Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours(心理科學榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours(心理科學榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Psychology with Honours(心理學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Psychology with Honours(心理學學士(榮譽))
Bachelor of Public Health in Health Promotion and Public Health Nutrition(健康促進和公共衛生學學士,公共健康營養)
Bachelor of Public Health with Honours(公共衛生榮譽學士)
Bachelor of Science(理學士)
Bachelor of Science(理學士)
Bachelor of Science (Advanced with Honours)(理學士(榮譽高級))
Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology)(理學士(生態與保護生物學))
Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology)(理學士(生態與保護生物學))
Bachelor of Science (Environment)(理學士(環境))
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Accelerated)(理學士(榮譽)(加速))
Bachelor of Social Work(社會工作學士)
Bachelor of Social Work(社會工作學士)
Bachelor of Training(培訓學士)
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning(城市與環境規劃學士)
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning(城市與環境規劃學士)
Biomolecular and Physical Sciences Honours Degree(生物分子和物理科學榮譽)
Griffith Business School Honours Degree(格里菲斯商學院榮譽)
Griffith Business School Honours Degree(格里菲斯商學院榮譽)
Griffith School of Environment Honours Degree(格里菲斯環境學院榮譽)
Griffith School of Environment Honours Degree(格里菲斯環境學院榮譽)
School of Humanities Honours Degree(人文學院榮譽)
School of Humanities Honours Degree(人文學院榮譽)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business(文學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business(文學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce(文學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce(文學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Asian Studies/Bachelor of Communication(亞洲研究學士/通信學士)
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communication(商學士/通訊學士)
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communication(商學士/通訊學士)
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Digital Media(商學士/數字媒體學士)
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Journalism(商學士/新聞學士)
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Journalism(商學士/新聞學士)
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Psychological Science(商學士/心理科學學士)
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Psychological Science(商學士/心理科學學士)
Bachelor of Child and Family Studies/Bachelor of Education - Primary(兒童與家庭研究學士/學士教育-小學)
Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) /Bachelor of Business (Management)(工學學士(環境工程)/商學士(管理))
Bachelor of Engineering in (Civil Engineering)/Bachelor of Business (Management)(工學學士(土木工程)/商學士(管理))
Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Information Technology(工程學士/資訊技術學士)
Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Information Technology(工程學士/資訊技術學士)
Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science(工程學士/理學士)
Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science(工程學士/理學士)
Bachelor of Environmental Management/Bachelor of Business(環境管理學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Business(運動科學學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Psychological Science(運動科學學士/心理科學學士)
Bachelor of Forensic Science/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice(法醫科學學士/犯罪和刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice(人力服務學士/犯罪和刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Information Technology/ Bachelor of Multimedia(資訊技術學士/多媒體學士)
Bachelor of Information Technology/ Bachelor of Multimedia(資訊技術學士/多媒體學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts(法學士/文學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts(法學士/文學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business(法學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business(法學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce(商務部法學士/學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce(商務部法學士/學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice(法學士/犯罪和刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice(法學士/犯罪和刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Government and International Relations(Gold Coast)(政府與國際關係學士/法學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Government and International Relations(Nathan)(政府與國際關係學士/法學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of International Business(法學士/國際商務學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of International Business(法學士/國際商務學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science(法學士/心理科學學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science(法學士/心理科學學士)
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Science (Environment)(法學士/理學士(環境))
Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Business(音樂學士/商務學士)
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science/Bachelor of Business(醫藥科學學士/商學士)
Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice(心理科學學士/犯罪和刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice(心理科學學士/犯罪和刑事司法學士)
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Information Technology(理學士/資訊技術學士)
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning/Bachelor of Science(城市與環境規劃學士/理學學士)
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning/Bachelor of Science (Environment)(學士城市與環境規劃/理學士(環境))
Certificate Introduction to International Business(國際商務入門證書)
Certificate in Accounting(會計證書)
Certificate in Accounting and Finance(會計及財務證書)
Certificate in Advanced Italian(高級義大利語證書)
Certificate in Advanced Japanese(高級日語證書)
Certificate in Applied Psychology (General)(應用心理學證書(一般))
Certificate in Applied Psychology (Vocational)(應用心理學證書(職業))
Certificate in Applied Theatre Studies(應用戲劇研究證書)
Certificate in Asian and International Studies(亞洲及國際學證書)
Certificate in Basic Italian(基礎義大利語證書)
Certificate in Basic Japanese(基礎日語證書)
Certificate in Business(商務證書)
Certificate in Commerce(商業證書)
Certificate in Communication Studies(傳播學證書)
Certificate in Communication Studies(傳播學證書)
Certificate in Crime and Justice(犯罪和司法證書)
Certificate in Economics and Business Statistics(經濟及商業統計證書)
Certificate in Education Studies(教育研究證書)
Certificate in Education Studies(教育研究證書)
Certificate in Education Studies(教育研究證書)
Certificate in Elementary Chinese(小學中文證書)
Certificate in Elementary Japanese(初級日語證書)
Certificate in Elementary Spanish(初級西班牙語證書)
Certificate in Elementary Spanish(初級西班牙語證書)
Certificate in Environmental Science(環境科學證書)
Certificate in Environmental Studies(環境學證書)
Certificate in Exercise Science(運動科學證書)
Certificate in Health Care(保健證書)
Certificate in Health Care(保健證書)
Certificate in Intermediate Chinese(中級漢語)
Certificate in Intermediate Italian(中級義大利語證書)
Certificate in Intermediate Japanese(中級日語證書)
Certificate in Intermediate Spanish(中級西班牙語證書)
Certificate in Introductory Humanities(人類學入門證書)
Certificate in Introductory Humanities(人類學入門證書)
Certificate in Introductory International Business(國際商務入門證書)
Certificate in Marketing Management(市場行銷管理證書)
Certificate in Mathematics(數學證書)
Certificate in Music Studies(音樂學證書)
Certificate in Music Technology(音樂技術證書)
Certificate in Politics and Government(政治和政府證書)
Certificate in Popular Music Technology(流行音樂技術證書)
Certificate in Psychology (General)(心理學證書(一般))
Certificate in Psychology (Vocational)(心理學證書(職業))
Certificate in Science(理學證書)
Certificate in Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management(旅遊,休閒,酒店和體育管理證書)
Certificate in Workplace Training(職場培訓證書)
Master of Engineering (Civil and Transport) LMCV(Coursework)(工程碩士(土木工程和運輸) LMCV)
Master of Training and Development(Coursework)(培訓與發展碩士)
Master of Urban and Environmental Planning (Nathan) (Coursework)(城市與環境規劃)
Master of Visual Arts(Coursework)(視覺藝術碩士)
Research Higher Degree Qualifying Program(Research)(研究高等預科課程)
Master of Screen Production(Coursework)(銀屏製造產碩士)
Master of Screen Production with Honours(Coursework)(銀屏製造榮譽碩士)
Master of Social Work(Coursework)(社會工作碩士)
Master of Social Work(Coursework)(社會工作碩士)
Master of Social Work(Coursework)(社會工作碩士)
Master of Special Education(Coursework)(特殊教育碩士)
Master of Speech Pathology(Coursework)(言語病理學碩士)
Master of Suicidology(Coursework)(自殺學碩士)
Master of Suicidology with Honours(Coursework)(自殺防治現象學榮譽碩士)
Master of Supply Network Management(Coursework)(供應網路管理碩士)
Master of Teaching(Coursework)(教學碩士)
Master of Training and Development(Coursework)(培訓與發展碩士)
Master of Pharmacy(Coursework)(藥劑學碩士)
Master of Pharmacy with Honours(Coursework)(榮譽藥學碩士)
Master of Philosophy(Coursework)(哲學碩士)
Master of Physiotherapy(Coursework)(物理治療碩士)
Master of Professional Accounting(2.5 years)(專業會計碩士)
Master of Public Health(Coursework)(公共衛生碩士)
Master of Rehabilitation Counselling(Coursework)(康復輔導碩士)
Master of Science in Forensic Science (QPS)(Coursework)(法醫科學理學碩士(QPS))
Master of Science in Public Health(Coursework)(公共健康科學碩士)
Master of Science in Public Health (International)(Coursework)(公共健康科學碩士(國際))
Master of Science with Honours(Coursework)(理學碩士(榮譽))
Master of Science with Honours in Forensic Science (QPS)(Coursework)(法醫科學理學榮譽碩士QPS))
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics(Coursework)(營養學碩士)
Master of Organisational Psychology(Coursework)(組織心理學碩士)
Master of Migration Law and Practice(Coursework)(移民法和實踐碩士)
Master of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy(Coursework)(肌肉骨骼及運動物理治療碩士)
Master of Music(Coursework)(音樂碩士)
Master of Music (Research)(Research)(碩士音樂(研究))
Master of Music Studies(Coursework)(音樂學碩士)
Master of Nursing(Coursework)(護理學碩士)
Master of Nursing with Honours(Coursework)(護理學榮譽碩士)
Master of International Business(Coursework)(國際商務碩士)
Master of International Business with Honours(Coursework)(國際商務榮譽碩士)
Master of International Relations(Coursework)(國際關係碩士)
Master of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education(Coursework)(高等教育教學碩士)
Master of Marketing(Coursework)(市場行銷碩士)
Master of Marketing(Coursework)(市場行銷碩士)
Master of Marketing with Honours(Coursework)(市場行銷榮譽碩士)
Master of Marketing with Honours(Coursework)(市場行銷榮譽碩士)
Master of Medical Research(Research)(醫學研究碩士)
Master of Mental Health Practice(Coursework)(心理健康實踐碩士)
Master of Midwifery with Honours(Coursework)(助產學榮譽碩士)
Master of Human Resource Management with Honours(Coursework)(人力資源管理碩士(榮譽))
Master of Human Services(Coursework)(人力服務碩士)
Master of Human Services with Honours(Coursework)(人力服務榮譽碩士)
Master of Information Systems(Coursework)(資訊系統碩士)
Master of Information Systems with Honours(Coursework)(資訊系統榮譽碩士)
Master of Information Systems/Master of Information Technology(Coursework)(資訊系統碩士/資訊技術碩士)
Master of Information Technology(Coursework)(資訊技術碩士)
Master of Information Technology Professional(Coursework)(資訊技術專業碩士)
Master of Information Technology Professional(Coursework)(資訊技術專業碩士)
Master of Information Technology with Honours(Coursework)(資訊技術榮譽碩士)
Master of Information Technology with Honours(Coursework)(資訊技術榮譽碩士)
Master of Human Resource Management with Honours(Coursework)(人力資源管理碩士(榮譽))
Master of Health Practice(Coursework)(健康實踐碩士)
Master of Health Practice with Honours(Coursework)(健康實踐榮譽碩士)
Master of Health Services Management(Coursework)(衛生服務管理碩士)
Master of Health Services Management(Coursework)(衛生服務管理碩士)
Master of Health Services Management (Advanced) (incorporating Honours)(Coursework)(衛生服務管理(高級)碩士(與榮譽))
Master of Higher Education(Coursework)(高等教育學碩士)
Master of Enterprise Architecture(Coursework)(企業架構碩士)
Master of Enterprise Architecture with Advanced Studies(Coursework)(企業架構高級研究碩士)
Master of Enterprise Architecture with Honours(Coursework)(企業架構榮譽碩士)
Master of Environment(Coursework)(環境學碩士)
Master of Environment Advanced(Coursework)(環境高級碩士)
Master of Environment Advanced with Honours(Coursework)(環境高級榮譽碩士)
Master of Environment with Honours(Coursework)(環境與榮譽碩士)
Master of Finance(Coursework)(金融碩士)
Master of Finance and Investments(Coursework)(財務及投資學碩士)
Master of Forensic Mental Health(Coursework)(法醫心理健康碩士)
Master of Health Management(Coursework)(健康管理碩士)
Master of Design Futures(Coursework)(未來設計碩士)
Master of Design Futures with Honours(Coursework)(未來設計榮譽碩士)
Master of Digital Design(Coursework)(數位化設計碩士)
Master of Digital Design with Honours(Coursework)(數位化設計榮譽碩士)
Master of Early Childhood Education(Coursework)(幼稚教育碩士)
Master of Education(Coursework)(教育碩士)
Master of Education(Coursework)(教育碩士)
Master of Engineering(Coursework)(工程碩士)
Master of Engineering(Coursework)(工程碩士)
Master of Engineering (Dual Specialisation)(Coursework)(工程碩士(雙專業))
Master of Engineering with Advanced Studies(Coursework)(高級研究工程碩士)
Master of Engineering with Advanced Studies(Coursework)(高級研究工程碩士)
Master of Clinical Science (Clinical Microbiology/Clinical Physiology)(Coursework)(臨床科學碩士(臨床微生物學/臨床生理學))
Master of Commerce(Coursework)(商科碩士)
Master of Commerce (Advanced)(Coursework)(商科碩士(高級))
Master of Criminology and Criminal Justice(Coursework)(犯罪和刑事司法碩士)
Master of Criminology and Criminal Justice(Coursework)(犯罪和刑事司法碩士)
Master of Criminology and Criminal Justice with Honours(Coursework)(犯罪和刑事司法榮譽碩士)
Master of Dental Technology in Prosthetics(Coursework)(牙科技術假肢碩士)
Master of Asian Studies(Coursework)(亞洲研究碩士)
Master of Autism Studies(Coursework)(自閉症研究碩士)
Master of Aviation Management(Coursework)(航空管理碩士)
Master of Business(Coursework)(商務碩士)
Master of Business Administration(Coursework)(工商管理碩士)
Master of Business Administration(Coursework)(工商管理碩士)
Master of Business Administration (Advanced)(Coursework)(工商管理碩士(高級))
Master of Business Administration (Advanced)(Coursework)(工商管理碩士(高級))
Master of Business with Honours(Coursework)(商業榮譽碩士)
Master of Clinical Dentistry in Implant Dentistry(Coursework)(種植牙臨床牙醫學碩士)
Master of Clinical Psychology(Coursework)(臨床心理學碩士)
Master of Clinical Psychology(Coursework)(臨床心理學碩士)
Master of Architecture(Coursework)(建築學碩士)
Master of Arts and Media(Coursework)(藝術與傳媒學碩士)
Master of Arts and Media with Honours(Coursework)(藝術與傳媒榮譽碩士)
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics/TESOL(Coursework)(應用語言學/英語教學文學碩士)
Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播藝術碩士)
Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播藝術碩士)
Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication with Honours(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播藝術榮譽碩士)
Master of Arts in Visual Arts(Coursework)(視覺藝術文學碩士)
Master of Arts Journalism and Mass Communication with Honours(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播文科榮譽碩士)
Master of Arts with Honours in Applied Linguistics/TESOL(Coursework)(應用語言學/TESOL榮譽文學碩士)
Master of Arts with Honours in Visual Arts(Coursework)(視覺藝術榮譽文學碩士)
Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education with Honours(Coursework)(應用劇場與戲劇教育榮譽碩士)
Graduate Diploma of Public Health(Coursework)(公共衛生研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Research Studies (Arts, Education and Law)(Coursework)(學習研究研究生文憑課程(藝術,教育和法律))
Graduate Diploma of Research Studies (Business)(Coursework)(學習研究研究生文憑(業務部))
Graduate Diploma of Screen Production(Coursework)(螢幕生產研究生文憑)
Master of Accounting(Coursework)(會計碩士)
Master of Accounting(Coursework)(會計碩士)
Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education(Coursework)(應用劇場與戲劇教育碩士)
Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education(Coursework)(應用劇場與戲劇教育碩士)
Graduate Diploma of Education - Primary(Coursework)(教育研究生文憑-小學)
Graduate Diploma of Education - Primary(Coursework)(教育研究生文憑-小學)
Graduate Diploma of Education - Secondary(Coursework)(教育研究生文憑-中學)
Graduate Diploma of Education - Secondary(Coursework)(教育研究生文憑-中學)
Graduate Diploma of Exercise Science(Coursework)(運動科學研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Finance(Coursework)(金融研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Flight Management(Coursework)(飛行管理研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Health Research(Coursework)(健康研究研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Journalism and Mass Communication(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Journalism and Mass Communication(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Music Studies(Coursework)(音樂學研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Music Technology(Coursework)(音樂科技研究生文憑)
Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages(Coursework)(英語教學中研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Training and Development(Coursework)(培訓與發展研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Urban and Environmental Planning(Coursework)(城市與環境規劃研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Visual Arts(Coursework)(視覺藝術研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Waste Management(Coursework)(廢物管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Water and Wastewater Management(Coursework)(水和廢水管理研究生證書)
Graduate Diploma of Clinical Microbiology(Coursework)(臨床微生物學研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Clinical Physiology(Coursework)(臨床生理學研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Dentistry(Coursework)(牙科研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education(Coursework)(幼稚教育學研究生文憑)
Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education(Coursework)(幼稚教育學)
Graduate Certificate in Policy Analysis(Coursework)(政策分析研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Studies(Coursework)(專業法律研究研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Public Health(Coursework)(公共衛生研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Screen Production(Coursework)(銀屏製造研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Special Education(Coursework)(特殊教育研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Special Education(Coursework)(特殊教育研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Sport Management(Coursework)(體育管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Suicide Prevention Studies(Coursework)(自殺預防研究研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Supply Network Management(Coursework)(供應網路管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Enterprise(Coursework)(企業可持續發展研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in International Business(Coursework)(國際商務研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in International Dispute Resolution(Coursework)(國際爭端解決研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in International Relations(Coursework)(國際關係研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in International Tourism and Hospitality Management(Coursework)(國際旅遊及酒店管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Journalism and Mass Communication(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Journalism and Mass Communication(Coursework)(新聞與大眾傳播研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Management(Coursework)(管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Marketing(Coursework)(市場行銷專業畢業證書)
Graduate Certificate in Marketing(Coursework)(市場行銷專業畢業證書)
Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Practice(Coursework)(心理健康實踐研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Music Studies(Coursework)(音樂學研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Music Technology(Coursework)(音樂技術研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education(Coursework)(衛生職業教育研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management(Coursework)(衛生服務管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Higher Education(Coursework)(高等教育研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management(Coursework)(人力資源管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management(Coursework)(人力資源管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Human Services(Coursework)(人力服務部研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Information System(Coursework)(資訊系統研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Integrated Water Management(Coursework)(綜合水管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Integrated Water Management(Coursework)(綜合水管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Franchising(Coursework)(特許經營研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Disability Inclusion(Coursework)(殘疾人融入研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution(Coursework)(爭議解決研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education(Coursework)(幼稚教育研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Education Studies(Coursework)(教育研究研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Education Studies(Coursework)(教育研究研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership(Coursework)(教育領導力研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Engineering(Coursework)(工程研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Engineering(Coursework)(工程研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Enterprise Architecture(Coursework)(企業架構研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Environment(Coursework)(環境研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Event Management(Coursework)(事件管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Mental Health(Coursework)(法醫心理健康研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Aviation Management(Coursework)(航空管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Business(Coursework)(商業研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Business(Coursework)(商業研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration(Coursework)(工商管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration(Coursework)(工商管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Case Management(Coursework)(案件管理研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Leadership(Coursework)(臨床領導力研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Commerce(Coursework)(商務部研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Crime Analysis(Coursework)(犯罪分析研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Criminology and Criminal Justice(Coursework)(犯罪學和刑事司法研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Design Futures(Coursework)(未來設計研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Digital Design(Coursework)(數位設計研究生證書)
Executive Master of Public Administration(Coursework)(公共管理碩士(EMBA))
Graduate Certificate in Arts and Media(Coursework)(藝術與傳媒研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies(Coursework)(亞洲研究研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Auslan Studies(Coursework)(澳式手語研究研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice(Coursework)(澳大利亞移民法與實踐研究生證書)
Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies(Coursework)(自閉症研究研究生證書)
Diploma of Criminology and Criminal Justice(Coursework)(犯罪和刑事司法文憑)
Diploma of Languages(Coursework)(語言文憑)
International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Coursework)(國際旅遊與酒店管理)
Arts and Media (Coursework)(藝術與傳媒)
Master of Training and Development(Coursework)(培訓與發展碩士)
Graduate Certificate in International Tourism and Hospitality Management(國際旅遊與酒店管理)
Master of Education (Coursework)(教育學)
Master of Business with Honours (Coursework)(商業榮譽碩士)
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(Coursework)(語言藝術和英語教學)
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (Coursework)(營養學碩士)
Master of Business/Master of Marketing(Event Management)(Coursework)(行銷碩士/工商管理碩士)
Master of Business/Master of Marketing (Coursework)(行銷碩士/工商管理碩士)
Master of Teaching Primary (Coursework)(教育學士)
Master of Acute Care Nursing (Coursework)(急性保健護理碩士)
Master of Information Technology (Gold Coast) (Coursework)(資訊技術)
Master of Information Systems Advanced (Coursework)(現代資訊系統)
Master of International Relations(國際關係碩士)
Master of Civil Engineering (Coursework)(土木工程)
Human Resource Management(人力資源管理)
Early Childhood Education(早期兒童教育)
Master of Business(International Tourism)(商務碩士(國際旅遊))
Master of Business(商務碩士)
Master of Educational Studies(教育研究碩士)
Master of Professional Accounting(2 years)(專業會計)
Master of International Business Advanced(國際商務)
Master of Environmental Engineering(環境工程碩士)
Master of Business Advanced(高級商業碩士)
Master of Infection Prevention and Control(預防和控制感染碩士)
Master of Human Resource Management Advanced(高級人力資源管理碩士)
Master of Marketing Advanced(高級市場行銷)
選擇Griffith University,意味著選擇了一所在教育質量、研究創新和行業影響力方面均居世界領先地位的大學。我們公司將為您提供專業的申請指導和全程支持,確保您能夠充分利用Griffith的資源,開啟一段成功且富有成就感的留學生活。"